Wednesday 28 December 2011

About the project!

Hello! This is the website for Shakespeare's Flowers - the charity art and poetry book which I'm putting together to raise awareness of Alzheimer's disease and to raise much needed funds.

Alzheimer’s is a cruel disease - a thief who steals the very essence of a person and refuses to give it back when challenged! My darling mum began to develop Alzheimer’s some years ago. She was a beautiful, vivacious, articulate woman so when she began to 'search' for a word and forget what she was in the middle of doing, it was soon clear that there was something very wrong. We sought help and the diagnosis came quickly. To watch someone you love become inarticulate, incapable, unable to recognise those they once loved so much is soul destroying. The Alzheimer’s Society were very helpful when mum was first diagnosed and we were so in need of information and they gave my dad, who became Mum's carer, some sound practical advice whenever he needed it. One day I hope a cure will be found for this cruel disease. All the profits from this book and the money raised by selling the artwork at a Charity Auction will go the Alzheimer’s Society to help them in their invaluable work.

My darling mum Maria

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